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文档介绍:2011英美文化与国家概况期末考试填空与简答复****br/>Of all these isles, the largest one is called Great Britain. For the sake of convenience, Great Britain is often shortened to Britain.
United Kingdom is made up of four parts, England, Wales,ScotlandandNortherii Ireland.
The island of Great Britain can be divided into two parts according to its geographic features: the Highland Zone in the north and west and the Lowland zone in the south and southeast.
In America, The presiding officer of the senate is the Vice-president of the United States who serves as chairman when the Senate is in session.
Britain did not produce cotton and textile industry used to rely on wool as the principal fiber.
In Britain, the city Birmingham is well known for its production of automobiles, electricity equipment, electronics, munitions, and arms.
British government is produced through contest between two major political parties every five years
British can enjoy higher education in three ways:
Universities, polytechnics and Open Universities.
Mainland America is situated in the southern part of North America with two land Neighbors, Canada to the north and Mexico to the south.
The longest river in Britain is the Severn River , which runs 355 kilometers and empties into the Bristol Strait.
White House is the place where American President lives and works.
British's population is overwhelmingly urban, with about 90% living in urban areas and 10% living in rural areas.
Britain invented the locomotive and was the first country to build a railway in the world in 1825.
of the most important US government principle is “Checks and Balances”.
The majority of the British people believe in Christianity, which is the religion of the followers of Jesus Christ.
The most important and longest river running through the middle plain of America is Mississippi River.
The . has two established churches: the Church of England and the Church of Scotland.
Important heavy industries in Britain include ship