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文档介绍:1 摘要矿车在煤矿井下运输中占有十分重要的地位,煤矸粘结矿车车底是煤矿生产运输过程中存在的一个普遍问题。经常而及使地清扫矿车车箱式提高矿井轨道运输效率的重要因素。不论煤质,粒度组成及含水量如何,由于煤矿生产环境的恶劣,加之在运输的过程中的振动等原因,卸车之后总会有少量的煤炭,煤矸等易粘结的物料粘结在矿车车箱底部及邻帮若不将这些残留煤,岩粉及时清除干净,则会越积越厚,越积越结识,增加了矿车自重,使矿车的有效容积减少,它不仅直接影响着矿车的运输能力,造成了运输系统的紧张状况,而且增加了电力资源的浪费, 甚至使电机车运输是空列起动发生困难,所以清理车底的问题,在煤矿就显得尤为重要。本设计在传统机械矿车清车机的基础上加入了液压系统,由摩擦离合器控制行走部该为液压控制,安装了多路电磁换向阀,分别控制清车机前后,左右的移动以及摇臂的运动,克服了摩擦离合控制因打滑无法清理矿车车底粘结物的弊端。关键词: 清车机;液压;矿车 2 ABSTRACT Mine car plays an important part in the coal mine underground haulage. The gaugue felt on the bottom of the coal car isone of mon problems on the process of coal production and transportation. To clean partment of mine car frequently and promptly isa significant way of raising the efficiency ofm ine pit rail haulage . No matter the quality of coal, the position and water content as well, due to the bad environment of coal production and the vibration in the process of transportation, there always has some coal and other materials left which was very easy to cake on the bottom of the mine car after unloading. If we donot clean these remaining coal and rock meal soonly, they would be heavier and solider, which would increase the weight of mine car so that decrease the effective volume of it. Then it would not only affect the transportation ability of mine car directly and make the intense condition of the transportation system, but also increase the waste of electric power, and even make substantial difficulty in starting the spacial vehicle while transporting the e lectrical machinery truck . So cleaning the bottom of the mine car e espectially important. This design add the h ydraulic system on the basis of traditional cleaning machine for mechanical mine car. It changes clutch control into the hydraulic control , and is added the m ulti-channel ism cross valves which controlled the all round migration of cleaning machine and the movement of the rocking shaft. It also es the ing that the friction control cannot clean the remainings on the bottom of mine


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