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文档介绍:XL-AMRS Wireless Smart Record Electricity System
Application in Electricity Area
Remote recording electricity system consists of the distribution center in the administration of power supply and electricity meter data collection station in the communities. The data of electricity meter transmit by CDMA network. All the meters in the communities firstly connect to electricity meter collector , which can receive service data by RS485. Electricity meter collector , via wireless internet of close distance , convey transparent data to concentrator that bring data to network. Then data network transmit data of using electricity to distribution data center, making the connection between electricity meter data and data system come ture.
System advantages
Here are the characteristics of Wireless Smart Record Electricity System:
High reliability;
Accurate to record electricity;
Record electricity in a large scope;
Low-cost of system construction;
Low-cost of operating system;
Be able to remote-control the energy meter equipment;
Large transmission capacity and good extension;
System Characteristic
Support multi-function electricity meter communications convention DL/T 645(1997,2007 version); Q/GDW -2009 State Grid Corporation of China Enterprise Standard-The first part of communications protocol in the system of recording electricity: between station and collecti


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