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上传人:小健 2021/9/10 文件大小:93 KB




^om I Hiao ma international eDucation
小马过河为大家准备了 “托福阅读真题训练之输血”,供各位备考托福的考生们参考使 用,来提高自己的托福成绩!免费咨询电话:400-0123-267
输送血液可以称为生命的礼物。然而,从每年5百万输血病人的大部分情况来看,实际上,输血弊大 于利。
[Section One] Article
Why Banked Blood Goes Bad
It 's a problem that doctors have been wrestling with for several years, as study after study shows a disturbing spike in heart disease and death in patients receiving transfusions. The trend affects almost every group of critically ill patients — from trauma sufferers in the ER to heart attack victims, patients with anemia and those undergoing chemotherapy. This increase in dea th and hear t disease, doc tors say, is unrela ted to infec tious blood-borne diseases or allergic reactions that often follow transfusions. "After you control for sickness and all sorts of things, patients who receive transfusions still have more heart attacks. It makes no sense, " says Dr. Jonathan Stamier, a professor of medicine at Duke University Medical Center.
Logically, and medically, patients who need transfusions — those with low blood counts —should benefit immediately from a transfusion of new oxygen-laden red blood cells. Yet many get sicker. Puzzled by the paradox, Stamler and his colleagues decided to look more closely at banked blood 一 to figure out whether it underwent certain changes that turned it from life-saving in the donor


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