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文档介绍:RESEARCH ON ANINTELLIGENTSOLARTRACKING SYSTEM BASED ON LPC2131 Xiaodong Zhang, Xiujuan Li, Ke Lu College of Electrical Engineering, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450001, China alenzxd@ Abstract: Solar energy is ing more and moreattractive as the shortage of conventional energy and thecontinuous deterioration of the earth climate. Thisarticle describes theimplementation of an intelligentsolar tracking system based on embeddedmicrocontroller LPC2131. It can improve thephotoelectric conversion efficiency of the solar cellarray by tracking the movement of the sun through 2axisstepping motors' rotation. In order to achieve thisgoal, a new calculation method for sun position isintroduced paring with two conventionalsolar tracking methods. Then, the hardware structure ofthe intelligent solar tracking system based on PhilipsLPC2131 microcontrolleris proposed and implementedin detail. Fuzzy control strategy is applied to the controlmechanism to ensure its adjustability and fast responsetime. Furthermore, the software code for stepping motoris present. This solar tracking system increases theefficiency of solar panels with high accuracy and flexibility. Keywords: Solar tracking system; Embedded system;LPC2131; ARM 1 Introduction In the past hundred years of history, fossil fuel energysystem has significantly contributed to the developmentof industrial society. However, Mining


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