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文档介绍:A Report on English-Chinese Translation Practice of Lead to eed ——The Case of Culture-loaded Words Translation A Thesis Submitted to Chongqing University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Professional Degree By Luo Xiaohu Supervised byProf. Zhu Wanzhong Specialty:MTI School of Foreign Languages and Cultures of ChongqingUniversity, Chongqing, China April,2014 重庆大学硕士学位论文中文摘要 I 摘要文化负载词是反映一个国家、一个民族特有文化内涵的词汇与用法,翻译文化负载词需要将其蕴含的文化从源语传递到译入语中。迈克尔·比尔著《通向成功之路》内容形式以对话和自述评析为主,该文本包含了大量英语民族文化特有的词、词组****语等。笔者在翻译这些词的过程中,以交际翻译理论为指导,力求让汉语读者对译文也能有接近英语读者对原文的理解程度,据此,笔者对这些词在两种文化中不同的差异程度进行分析,分别采用归化、异化和融合三种策略, 实践了意译、替换、直译和诠释四种方法在文化负载词翻译上的应用。并且,通过分析翻译过程中的典型问题,笔者发现当文化负载词在两种文化中的影响出现不同或矛盾时,可以采取意译或替换法;当文化负载词在两种文化中差异较小时, 直译法可以使译文对译入语读者产生接近原文对源语读者的效果;当这些词在译入语文化中差异较大或者完全空白时,可以采取诠释法,确保语言信息准确传递, 再努力减少文化内涵在翻译过程中流失。关键词:《通向成功之路》;文化负载词翻译;交际翻译重庆大学硕士学位论文英文摘要 II ABSTRACT Culture-loaded words reflect the cultural connotation of a nationor an ethnic, and the cultural content shall be transferred from source language to target language in translating these words. Lead to eedby Michael Beer, has plenty of such words within its writing features of interviews and narrative analysis. Theauthor of this report follows municative translation theory in translating culture-loaded words, and tries to adapt and make the thought and cultural content of original more accessible to the reader. So the author analyzes the degrees of difference of a single word in two cultures, respectively takes strategies of domestication, dissimilation and incorporation, and practices methods of paraphrase, substitution, literary translationand interpretation in translating culture-loaded words. In the process of translation, the author finds three results. First, when the culture-loaded words have greatly different meanings or conflicts in two cultures, paraphrase and dissimilation will be appropriate methods for translation. Second, when the degree of diff