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上传人:guoxiachuanyue003 2021/9/15 文件大小:28 KB




文档介绍:: .
There are many expressions using the word “ sun” . So today , let' s talk about the stories of the sun.
英语中有很多表达中使用了“太阳”一词,所以今天我 们就从太阳的故事说起吧。
The first expression is about everything , everything under the sun. If you own a store that sold many different things , your advertisements could say you sell everything under the sun. This would not be exactly true , of course. But what would advertising be without some creative descriptions ?
首先要说的第一个表达是关于所有的,位于太阳之下的 事物。如果你有一间商店,出售各种商品,那么你就可以在 广告上说你店里的东西“应有尽有” 。当然,这也未必全是 真的的。但是没有创意描述的广告还叫广告么?
Here is another example : Let's say you are talking with a friend you have not seen for a long time. The two of you could have a lot of things to share. So , you talk about everything under the sun.
举另一个例子:你和一个很长时间没有见面的朋友谈话 时,你们两个可能有很多事情想要分享。因此你们说的话题 可能是天南海北包罗万象的。
“ Under the sun ” is an old expression—at least 3, 000 years old. It means everywhere the sun shines. King Solomon of Israel used it in the Bible. He wrote that nothing under the sun is new. What has been will be again , he said, and what has been done will be done again.
“ under the sun ”是一种非常古老的说法, 最起码有 3000 年的历史了。这个说法指的是所有在太阳下笼罩的地方。以 色列国王所罗门在圣经中这样使用过。他写道,太阳之下皆 为旧事。他说,已有之事会必再有,已行之事会必再行。
There is nothing new under the sun , there is nothing new anywhere. New or old , few things can be hidden in the b