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文档介绍:.. -
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A. camera B. waste C. hatch D. matter
A. perhaps B. harvest C. Fahrenheit D. forehead
A. shouted B. closed C. proved D. damaged
A. association B. profession C. suggestion D. version
A. society B. piece C. field D. receive
A. younger B. anger C. stronger D. singer
A. character B. moustache C. stomach D. school
A. births B. paths C. baths D. mouths
A. always B. salt C. chalk D. also
A. ghost B. exposure C. b D. tomb
Religious and private schools receive little support from public taxes in the United States, and __41__ a result , are usually somewhat expensive to__42__. The largest group of religious schools in America __43__ by the Roman Catholic Church. While religious schools tend to be __44__ expensive than private schools, there are usually some __45__.
When there __46__ free education available to all children in the United States, why do people __47__ money on private schools? Americans offer __48__ great variety of reasons for doing so, including the desire of some parents to __49__ their children to schools __50__ classes tend to be smaller, or where religious instruction __51__ as part of the educational program, or because, __52__ their opinion, the public schools in their area are not __53__ high enough quality to meet their needs. Private schools in the United States __54__ widely in size, quality, and in the kind of programs that are offered to meet __55__ of certain students.
The degree __56__ American parents are satisfied with their children’s schools often __57__ people of other countries. Most schools have organizations __58__ of both parents and teachers, usually called for Parent-Teacher Association. They meet together to __


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