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文档介绍:求职招聘网站的设计与实现【摘要】随着社会的发展以及互联网的普及,网络应用已经渗透到世界的每个角落。利用网络求职的人群越来越多,而求职对于当今大学生,则是在毕业前最关注的一个问题。传统的求职方式主要通过报纸,招聘会、电视媒体等形式,其过程过于繁琐、时效性差。网上招聘较之传统招聘具有招聘范围广,信息量大,费用低等优势,对于求职者来说,招聘网站为他们提供了方便、快捷地查询工作岗位的路径。对招聘企业来说,招聘网站也为他们提供了检索应聘者信息的平台, 使招聘工作变得轻松易行。网络招聘的各种优势使其逐渐成为一种主流的求职方式。本网站主要拟用 Visual Studio 2008 , 技术, C# 语言以及 SQL sever2005 数据库来开发该网站。通过注册登录认证用户的身份从而实现不同类型用户的不同权限,本网站的用户类型为:个人用户、企业用户和网站管理员。个人用户主要实现用户注册、登录、个人简历的填写、搜索职位、查看已申请的职位等功能;企业用户主要实现用户注册、登录、填写公司信息、发布招聘信息、搜索人才简历、查看已发布的职位信息等功能;网站管理员主要实现对网站用户的编辑和删除等功能。【关键字】求职招聘; ;招聘网站 Design and Implementation of Job-hunting Websites Abstract : With the social development and the popularity of the , work has rated into every corner of the world. More and more people use the for jobs search. For today ’s college students, job searching is the most concerned problem before graduation. Traditional job search ing methods are mainly through newspapers, job fairs, television media and soon, the se process es are too cumbersome, and poor timeliness. C ompared to the traditional recruitment, o nline recruitment has a lotof advantages, such asa wide range of recruitment, large amount of information, and low cost . For those job seekers, comparing with the traditional recruitment, recruiting website can provid e them with a more convenient, quicker and easi er path to search the job. For recruit ing enterprises , recruiting websites also provide them a platform to retrieve candidate information, to make the recruitment easier to implement . The various advantages of online recruitment make it e a mainstream jobs searching method gradually. This website mainly uses the Visual Studio 2008, technology, the C# language and the SQL sever2005 database to develop th is web site. T hrough r egistration and login authentication the user's identity , in order to achieve the purpose that different types of users have different permissions, user types of this website are : personal users, corporate users and webmasters. The mainly achievements of personal user s


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