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文档介绍:?Copyright License Agreement 版权许可合同 AGREEMENT dated 1st June 2006 签约日期: 2006 年6月1日 Scholastic Canada Limited Scholastic (加拿大)有限公司 604 King Street West, Toronto, ONM5V 1E1, Canada 加拿大多伦多皇家西街 M5V 1E1 (hereinafter called "the Proprietors") (以下简称“版权方”) and 及 China Women Publishing House 中国妇女出版社 A-24 Shijia Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100010, China 中国北京东城区史家胡同甲 24号, 100010 (hereinafter called "the Publishers") (以下简称“出版方”) whereby itismutually agreed asfollows regarding the work(s) entitled: 按此协议,双方就作者为 Jo Ellen Bogart , 插画作者为 Laura Fernandez 和 Rick Jacobson 的《米爷爷学认字》达成协议。(each title hereinafter called the Work) (以下简称“作品”) WHEREBY, Proprietors and Publishers agree that: 按此协议,版权方与出版方就以下条款达成协议: RIGHTS GRANTED &TERRITORY: The Proprietors hereby grant to the Publishers the right totranslate into the Chinese language SIMPLIFIED CHARACTERS ONLY and toprint, publish and sell, atthe Publishers' own expense, the Work in TRADE HARDCOVER FORM ONLY exclusively inthe following territory, subject toall the terms and conditions ofthis Agreement: Mainland of China only. :按此协议,版权方仅授予出版方翻译此书为中文简体版本,并自行承担印刷、出版和销售的费用。遵照本协议的所有条款和条件,此专有出版权的作品仅允许在中国大陆出版精装本。 TERM: This Agreement covers aperiod of five (5) years from agreement date .Onexpiration ofthis license, all rights herein granted revert tothe Proprietors without further written notice. :本合同有效期为签约之日起 5年。合同到期时,无需书面通知,合同提到的所有权利自动返还版权方。 RESERVED: All rights not specifically granted to the Publishers herein, without limitation, are reserved tothe Proprietors. :本合同没有明确授予出版方的所有权利,毫无限制地归版权方所有。 : The Proprietors warrant that they control the rights tothe entire Work conveyed herein and granted tothe Publishers and that they have the full power tomake this Agreement. :版权方保证持有本合同中的转让作品的权利,并授予出版方, 版权方也保证有能力执行本合同。 OFRIGHTS: This Agreement and the rights hereby granted may not beassigned ortransmitted inwhole orinpart by the Publishers either voluntarily orbyprocess oflaw and the


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