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grateful if you would approve request for UK visa so that he can visit me. I hope the necessary visa arrangements can be made as soon as possible. Please find enclosed the following evidence:
  1. CAS, certificate of Abbey College Cambridge, payment receipt from Abbey College Cambridge.
  2. A copy of my passport
  3. A copy of my Police Registration Certificate
  4. My accommodation details
  Please do not hesitate to contact if you need any further information. My mobile number: XX Email address: XX
  Your consideration about permission of XX’s UK visa would be highly appreciated. Thank you very much.
  Yours faithfully
  篇二:探亲签证邀请函如何写dear officer,
  i am writing to confirm that i wish to invite
  name: xx
  relationship: xx date of birth: xx
  to visit me while i am studying at abbey college cambridge in uk. i would like to invite him to visit me from xx october xxxx to xx october xxxx.
  my name is xx and i am a full-time student at abbey college cambridge. i have enclosed the offer, accommodation certificate, payment receipt which confirms that i am studying at abbey college cambridge.
  i am due to complete my course in 30th june XX. and my visa is valid until xx/xx/xxxx.
  i confirm that my father will be staying with me during his stay. after my father gets his visa, he will book the hotel in uk.
  i would be ve


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