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上传人:慢慢老师 2021/9/19 文件大小:27 KB





文档介绍:Hello, everyone .My name is ---.My English name is ….I am seven years old .I am a loverly girl .I have many hobbies .I like singing , skating and hiking and so on .But my favourite sport is swimming .My mother takes me to the swimming pool once a week . But I like to swim in the sea better .I am also a busy girl .I have Enlish classes, music classes , swimming classes and piano classes every week . I study in Hepingyi Primary School. I am in Class _,Grade class teacher is Miss…. She is a very nice teacher .She’s helpful and never angry. when someone is ill or sad ,she always takes care of them like a mother .We love her very much .
Now I want to tell you something about my family .I have a very happy family .There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and me. My father is tall and strong . He looks handsome ,I think . He’s a soldier and he is a doctor as well . He works very hard . He went to help the people in Wenchuan after the earthquakes in 2007. I am very proud of my f