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文档介绍:Parkour ? The Definition of Parkour ? The Origin of Parkour ? The Philosophy of Parkour ? The Impacts of Parkour on people Parkour is a kind of extreme sport emphasizing to show and challenge personal potential in body and mind . Parkour is the art of moving through your environment , using only your body and the surroundings to propel yourself. It includes running, jumping, climbing, even crawling . David Belle , the founder of the parkour , was trained to play as ninja when he was very young, jumping, running on the roofs of the school buildings. At the same time, David Belle was influenced by his father who was ever a soldier deeply. Influenced by these factors, David Belle finally created the parkour sport. After that , he and his friends created a first parkour organization called Yamakasi at the suburb of Lessees in Paris in 1988. In the beginning, parkour is played in western countries, such as France, Britain, America and so on. It got its popularity in the Britain in 2002. In 2004, David belle directed a movie named The District 13. Through this movie , people all around know what the parkour is. The first people, who introduce the parkour to China in 2006, is Hong Zhou , He also founded the China parkour official website. Yize Du is regarded as the first people anize the first parkour team named China parkour in China. The Philosophy of Parkour ?“ free your mind ”,trying not to think of the situation you are in, but merely trying to 'feel' your way through it, is fundamental to Parkour .?" hesitation causes fear " ,the moment when you are hesitating, you are thinking unnecessarily. You are assessing the situation, comparing and relating it to previous situations. This is the last thing you should do in Parkour . ?“ Life is danger ”, no matter how hard we try, we cannot escape


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