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上传人:小健 2021/9/21 文件大小:88 KB




T:Man,look at that! In New York there's always something bein^ built. And everything zoes tip so quickly ... You never know what*s going to be around next week.
R: Yeah,but on the hand, sometimes I wonder about overcrowding ...Maybe they need to start building down more.
T:Building down?
R:Yeah, it's when you build imdergroimd instead of above groimd.
T:Nah,that's too much like living in a cave. I love the skyscrapers! They are the most incredible feats of engineering!
R:True. And some of the first ones were built right here in New York City.
T:That*s right!You know, I wonder what New York looked like before all these buildings popped up.
T:Yeah. I'll bet it'll be something fantastic!
R: May be... what do you think it's going to look like ?
T:I don't know...but you know what? I'm going to remember what it looked like.
R:Uh...you are too ,let's ask this guy what yournfamous"building's going to be...
M:Well, I was pretty fast, but I made some mistakes. Actually, the typewriters weren't that bad.
Now, as for the first computers.. .oh my gosh!
T:What do you mean?
M:The first computers were so unreliable. They used to crash all the time. And they were not as affordable or as fast as they are now.
T:Mine*s pretty fast, but not as fast as some of the newer, more expensive ones.
M:I know! And nowadays, almost everyone has a computer. In those