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文档介绍:公开政府信息 打造阳光政府
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陈新义 曹静 贾娟 洪梅芳 曹石明
摘 要:在构建和谐社会,深入学****实践科学发展观,《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》颁布实施一年之久的背景下,课题组综合运用问卷、实地走访、网络等方法对安徽省三地政府信息公开状况进行实证调查。不同群体在获取政府信息的能力和手段上存在差异,本文从政府信息公开方式和公众的信息需求等方面,重点分析如何使边缘和弱势群体公平的获取准确的政府信息。在政府信息公开实施中,针对法制建设、政府、公众、公共文化机构等方面存在的现实问题,从制度、技术、文化观点三个层面上提出对策和建议,以期完善政府信息公开制度的相关工作。
关键词:政府信息 公开方式 信息需求 对策建议
指导老师:安徽大学管理学院行政管理系主任 丁先存 教授
团队负责人:管理学院07级行政管理 陈新义 **********
公开政府信息 打造阳光政府
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Under harmonious social background Anhui provincial government information public condition real diagnosis investigation and ponder
Chen Xinyi, Cao Jing , Jia Juan ,, Hong Meifang, Cao Shiming
Abstract: In the construction harmonious society, studies the practice scientific development concept thoroughly, "The government of the People's Republic of China Information Public Rule" promulgates implements one year long time under the background, the topic-based group synthesizes using the questionnaire, visits, methods and so on network to carry on the real diagnosis investigation on the spot to the Anhui Province three place government information public condition. Does the different community in gain government information's ability and the method the existence difference, this article from government information public way and public's aspects and so on information need, how the selective analysis cause the edge and the minority groups fair gain accurate government information. In the government information public implementation, the realistic question which in view of aspects and so on legislative work, government, public, public cultural organization exists, from the system, technical, in the cultural viewpoint three stratification planes proposes the countermeasure and the suggestion, by time consummation government information disclosure system's related work..
Key words: Government information , public way ,