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Lesson One: Excuse me!
Excuse me!
Is this you handbag?
Is this you handbag?
Yes, it is.
Thank you very much.

Lesson Three: Sorry sir.
My coat and my umbrella please.
Here is my ticket.
Thank you sir.
Number five.
Here is your umbrella and your coat.
This is not my umbrella.
Sorry sir.
Is this your umbrella?
No, it isn't.
Is this it?
Yes, it is.
Thank you very much.

Lesson Five: Nice to meet you.
Good morning.
Good morning, Mr. Blake.
This is Miss Sophie Dupont.
Sophie is a new student.
She is a French.
Sophie, this is Hans.
He is German.
Nice to meet you.
And this is Naoko.
She’s Japanese.
Nice to meet you.
And this is Chang-woo.
He’s Korean.
Nice to meet you.
And this is Luming.
He’s Chinese.
Nice to meet you.
And this is Xiaohui.
She’s Chinese, too.
Nice to meet you.
Lesson Seven: Are you a teacher?
I’m a new student.
My name’s Robert.
Nice to meet you.
My name’s Sophie.
Are you French?
Yes, I’m.
Are you French, too?
No, I’m not.
What nationality are you?
I’m Italian.
Are you a teacher?
No, I’m not.
What’s your job?
I’m a keyboard operator.
What’s your job?
I’m an engineer.

Lesson Nine: How are you today?
Hello, Helen.
Hi, Steven.
How are you today?
I’m very well, Thank you.
And you?
I’m fine,Thanks.
How is Tony?
He’s fine, Thanks.
How’s Emma?
She’s very well, too, Helen.
Goodbye, Helen.
Nice to see you.
Nice to see you, too, Steven.

Lesson Eleven: Is this your shirt?
Whose shirt is that?
Is this your shirt, Dave?
No, sir.
It’s not my shirt.
This is my shirt.
My shirt’s blue.
Is this shirt Tim’s?
Perhaps it is, sir.
Tim’s shirt’s white.
Yes, sir.
Is this your shirt?
Yes, Sir.
Here you are.
Thank you, sir.

Lesson thirteen: A new dress
What color is your new dress?
It is green.
Come upstairs and see it.


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