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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/9/23 文件大小:295 KB




文档介绍:is responsible for Orga nization traini ng, and impleme ntation, a nd che ck; 12, master workshops a nnual economic indicat ors of impleme ntation, re porti ng to financial health on a regular basi s; 13, i s responsible for t he daily oversight i n the all ocati on and use of funds; 14, responsi ble for all Department statistics, coll ecting, sorti ng, reporting of accounti ng reports; 15, the company re sponsible for the supervisi on of the Treasur y, including the "thir d grade" librar y, a library of materials, products for regular inve ntory handling, sampli ng, storage monitori ng, the picking work, a nd provide the inve ntory report, and make the appropriate a ccounting t reatment; 16, responsible for waste and recy cling, transportation a nd settlement; 17, is responsi ble for all product sale s accounting functi ons; 18, responsi ble for the compa ny's raw materials, a uxiliary materials, a ccount ma nagement; 19, is responsi ble for the fl ow of control of all assets of the company, a ccording to the cha nges in a ccounting treatment of fixed asset s and a ssets t o the departments re sponsible for clearing, settlement and asset monthly report submitted t o the asset management secti on of the
Finance De partment of the compa ny organized on a company -wide spe cial inspecti on of asset management ; 20, accor ding to t he company's busine ss activitie s, mont hly projects i nvolved i n the business activities of the company (including expense s, busi ness ma nagement, cost contr ol, cash flow , revenue , etc) financial analy sis, pr ovide a basi s for deci sions for the compa ny, the business of the com pany responsi ble for monit oring, fore casting a nd ri sk analysi s; 21, responsible for t he settlement of transacti ons with the Ba nk; 22, i s


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