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上传人:精品小课件 2021/9/25 文件大小:57 KB





文档介绍:1 / 17
Detailed arrangements
Period I & II
Step 1: new words ( 35 minutes )
Ss read the new words by themselves and T explains their usage one by one.
T helps Ss with reading and memorizing the new words from dislike to end.
Allow 6 minutes for Ss to go over the new words
T checks Ss' memory
Step 2: Parallelism and Emphatic Sentences ( 30 minutes )

什么是平行结构? parallel structure
  并列连词and, but, as well as, or, or else, both … and, neither … nor, either … or, not only … but (also), rather than等以及从属连词than可连接两个对等的词和对等的结构。
  例1:He went downtown, bought some books and visited his daughter.
  例2:Gunpowder was discovered in the twelfth century, but not used in warfare until two hundred years later.
  例1:Your semester grade is based not only on how well you do on each test, but also on how you participate in class.
  例2:We often go to the countryside as well as to factories.
  例3:I would much rather go to the countryside than stay here.
  例1:Some find swimming more enjoyable than sitting at home reading.
  例2:He was engaged in writing a letter rather than reading the newspaper.
  例1:She is pleased with what you have given and all that you have told him.
  例2:The purpose of the research had a more different meaning for them than it did for us.
  prefer sth to sth
  prefer doing sth to doing sth
  prefer to do sth rather than do sth
  1) I prefer rice to noodles.
  2)I prefer watching TV to listening to music.
  3) He preferred to die rather than surrender.
  would / had rather / sooner do something than do something, would / had as soon do something as do something (宁可……也不……)
  1) Liu Hulan said she had rath


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