文档介绍:冬奥比赛项目冰壶 Curling
冬奥比赛项目冰壶 Curling
请看冬奥会 的相关介绍:Whether they play for fun in s ll-town clubs or for glory at the winter Olympics, one thing's for rtain: Canadians love curling, and they've produ d some of the world's best players. Though some have called it "shuffleboard on i ," supporters say it's a game with a grand Canadian tradition of skill, strategy, and sports nship.
"冰壶"也可称作"冰上溜石游戏",最早发源于十六世纪的苏格兰,后流传至欧美等国,据说,"冰壶"现已成为 最为钟爱的`冰上体育项目。比赛最终目的就是在投出所有 16 个约42 磅重的花岗岩冰壶石(每队 8 个)后,令您所在队的冰壶石最接近营垒的中心。运动员从冰道一侧的掷石区将冰壶石掷到另一侧的营垒中。这包括冰壶运动员从掷石区将冰壶石推出,带着旋转推开它,冰壶因此而得名的。
当然,离开体运项目,我们还得弄清curling的本意。Curling的动词形式curl表示某物呈螺旋状如:The wave curled over the surfer(波浪从冲浪运动员头上盘旋而过),同时,curl也可以表示卷发Her hair was in curls(她一头卷发)。