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文档介绍:07 年听力 11. [A] Proceed in his own way. [B] Stick to the original plan. [C] Compromise with his colleague. [D] Try to change his colleague ’s mind. 12. [A] Many has a keen eye for style. [B] Nancy regrets buying the dress. [C] Nancy and Mary went shopping together in Rome. [D] Nancy and Mary like to follow the latest fashion. 13. [A] Wash the dishes. [B] Go to the theatre. [C] Pick up e and Martha. [D] Take her daughter to hospital. 14. [A] She enjoys making up stories about other people. [B] She can never keep anything to herself for long. [C] She is eager to share news wit h the woman. [D] She is the best informed woman in town. 15. [A] A car dealer. [B] A mechanic.[C] A driving examiner. [D] A technical consultant. 16. [A] The shopping mall has been deserted recently. [B] Shoppers can only find good stores in the mall. [C] Lots of people moved out of the downtown area. [D] There isn ’t much business downtown nowadays. 17. [A] He will help the woman with her reading. [B] The lounge is not a place for him to study in. [C] He feels sleepy whenever he tries to study. [D] A cozy place is rather hard to find on campus. 18. [A] To protect her from getting scratches. [B] To help relieve her of the pain. [C] To prevent mosquito bites. [D] To avoid getting sun burnt. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. [A] Ina studio. [B] Ina clothing store. [C] At


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