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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/9/26 文件大小:733 KB





文档介绍:out city created, a nd care masses life, focus work, i n-dept h investigation, more out bouti que master pie ce, makes we of rese arch re sults mor e to into le d of decisi on vi sion, more to i n nati onal some ha s effect of newspaper Sha ng published, for a dvance work, and publicity cha ngde play due of role. Third, informati on submitted to be pragmati c. Quick a nd timel y. he ancients said: for the time system; stateme nt back for t he time bei ng, nothi ng. Therefore, the submi ssion of information to do "four", that is, find the problem faster, editorial writi ng, se nd and rea d faster appr oval and feedba ck to implement quickl y. To be tr ue and accurate. True mainly reflect the full pi cture of events, one is one , two, thi s is the life of the information. Accura cy is primarily qualitative a nd qua ntitative que stions, quantitative obje ctive of publi cQualitative logi c. To be reliable a nd useful. We submit inform ation to have access t o de cision-making, to g uide and promote t he work a nd solve practica l problems. Mixed cum.
On the negative informati on a nd emerge ncy i nformation, ra pid e scalati on i n strict a ccorda nce with the procedures, firm, newspape r, ne wspa pers, never late, fail to re port, false claim a nd skimmi ng. Investe e 2. supervision and insist on, ar ound a ndpr otecti ng their i nterests to touch the tr uth, see k practical re sults. Adhere to people -orie nted, the most important thi ng is to re alize, safeguard a nd develop the f undamental intere sts of the overwhelming majority of the people. We carry out inspe ction, s o must go dee p among t he masses, go dee p into t he realitie s, always pay attention to the people's livel ihood, to grasp t he publ ic sentiment, a nd e arnestly safeguard t he be nefit, addressi ng the masses are m ost concerne d about a nd refle cting the stronge st issues, efforts to solve t he pr oblem of deci sions impl emented a nd not implemented. One is to stick to principl es. Righ


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