文档介绍:郑州科技学院专科毕业设计(论文) 题目教室智能照明控制系统设计学生姓名吴文佳专业班级 09 电气自动化学号 200916045 所在系电气工程系指导教师杨瑞完成时间年月日教室智能照明控制系统设计摘要达到节能目的。本研究针对教室灯光的控制方法,尤其是教室灯光的智能控制方面的发展现状,分析了教室灯光智能控制的原理和实现方法,提出了基于单片机的教室灯光智能控制系统的设计思路,并在此基础上开发了智能控制系统的硬件装置和相应软件。该系统以 AT89C52 单片机作为控制装置的智能部件,采用热释红外人体传感器检测人体的存在,采用光敏三极管构成的电路检测环境光的强度; 根据教室合理开灯的条件,系统通过对人体的存在信号和环境光信号的识别和智能判断,完成对教室照明回路的智能控制,避免了教室用电的大量浪费。系统还具有多种报警功能; 同时还采用了软/ 硬件的“看门狗”技术等抗干扰措施。单片机软件采用汇编语言编制,采用模块化结构设计、条理清晰、通用性好,便于改进和扩充。该系统具有体积小,控制方便,可靠性高,专用性强,性价比合理等优点,可以满足各类大、中专院校教室灯光控制的要求,很大程度的关键词:人体;红外线;传感器;自动控制;热释电 1 The classroom intelligent lighting control system design ABSTRACT Currently light intelligent control systems are not efficiently used in the classroom. In order to improve the system, based on control and current methods ofhow to keep control , developing intelligent classroom light control system and developed the hardware and software system. This classroom light intelligent control system the theory of the light put forward methods ofon the basis of AT89C52 is developed, which machine of AT89C52 isa major part, and the environment of development is better than before. This system can satisfy the following functions, such as controlling the circuit of illumination, testing and processing daylight signal, testing and processing the signal of human body that illuminates the back track exists, reporting to the warning order to satisfy these functions, the system adopted the homologous methods respectively, and to the gearing of the system, analyzing how to install , test and run the system. The microcontroller software was developed based on assemble language. Assemble language isone kind of structured program languages, it has more advantages than other high-level languages. Assemble language adopts building block design. monality is very good and easy to improve and expand. It could be used to develop larger 一 scale system with more perfect performance. At the same time, the anti-jamming technologies, such as watchdog, are necessary when developing hardware a