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文档介绍:故事发生在第 10 世纪的安特卫普, 埃尔萨( Elsa ) 被控谋害她的弟弟戈特弗里德( Gottfried ), 也就是布拉邦特公爵的继承人。神秘的骑士( Lohengrin ) 在天鹅带领下出现, 他愿意为维护埃尔萨的贞洁而战。他要求埃尔萨保证绝不问起他的姓名、出身与过去, 他打败指控埃尔萨的泰拉蒙伯爵,并赢得她以身相许。泰拉蒙的妻子奥特鲁德( Ortrud ) 具有邪恶的法力,她在埃尔萨心中埋下怀疑骑士的种子。埃尔萨在新婚当晚忍不住违反承诺,问了禁忌的问题, 也破坏了自己的幸福。如今, 骑士必须离去。临去之前, 他当众宣布自己是圣杯骑士罗安格林。他将被奥特鲁德化成天鹅的戈特弗里德魔法的束缚中释放出来,使埃尔萨姐弟重相逢, 自己却不得不回归孟沙瓦特的圣杯之城,继续守护格拉尔圣杯。 Lohen Grin 天鹅骑士罗恩格林(改编版) (鲜孟孜) Lohengrin, The Knight of Swan. Once save the Princess Elsa of brabant from Frederick of Telramund who accused Lisa of murdering her brother, Gottfried. Actually Gotifried was poisoned by Telrarmund's wife, Ortrud, and became a swan. Later, Lohengrin defeated Telrarmund ina fight to prove Elsa sinnocence. With the King's promise. Lohengrin would marry Elsa on the condition that she never seeked to know who he was. And where he came from. By instilling the poison of doubt into Elsa's mind. Ortrude made Elsa break her promise and questioned to Lohengrin. So the Swan-boat carried Lohengrin back to the Grail castle. ACT I Elsa (周跃) : Gottfried, stop playing any more. It is time to study. Gottfried: (李颖) Ok. My dear elder sister. I'e back soon. (Elsa retired. Ortrud enters). Ortrud (周小青) : Hi, Gottfried, are you playing alone? Gottfried: What's matter with you? Ortrud: This isa special drink. Would you like to drink? Gottfried: How wonderful. Let me try, please. Mnnn, it is delicious. I feel something wrong. Ort