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文档介绍:1 Annex 1: Guidelines for the Pilot Implementation of Foreign Exchange Administration of Trade in Goods Chapter I General Provisions Article I In order to improve foreign exchange administration of trade in goods (hereinafter referred to as“ trade ”), promote the facilitation of trade, and enhance economic development in foreign-related fields, these Guidelines are formulated pursuant to the Regulations of the People ’s Republic of China on Foreign Exchange Administration . Article II The State sets no limitation on international payments for trade. Export revenue may either be transferred back to China orbe deposited overseas. Article III Foreign exchange receipts and payments from trade by foreign anizations (hereinafter referred to as“ enterprises ”) shall be based on authentic and lawful trading backgrounds and shall be consistent with the import and export of goods. Article IV The financial institutions handling foreign exchange settlement and sales (hereinafter referred to as“ financial institutions ”) shall reasonably examine the authenticity of the trading documents and their consistency with the foreign exchange receipts and payments from trade. Article V The State Administration of Foreign Exchange and its branches (hereinafter referred to as the “ foreign exchange authorities ”) shall oversee and inspect implementation of the provisions of paragraph IIof Article II,


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