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词组学习 Unit 1 Living well.doc

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词组学习 Unit 1 Living well.doc

上传人:1650986**** 2021/10/5 文件大小:15 KB


词组学习 Unit 1 Living well.doc



文档介绍:Unit 1 Living well
in other words
You say in other words in order to introduce a different, and usually simpler, explanation or interpretation of something that has just been said.
The mobile library services have been reorganized – in other words, they visit fewer places.
all in all
You use all in all to introduce a summary or general statement.
We both thought that all in all it might not be a bad idea...
make fun of
If you make fun of someone or something or poke fun at them, you laugh at them, tease them, or make jokes about them in a way that causes them to seem ridiculous.
Don't make fun of me...
She poked fun at people's shortcomings.
all the best
You can say `All the best' when you are saying goodbye to someone, o