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上传人:annimy 2021/10/9 文件大小:106 KB





I. 单选题
(   ) 21. Lessons can be learned to face the future,  history cannot be changed.
A. thoughﻩﻩ ﻩﻩB. asﻩ ﻩ  C. sinceﻩ D. unless 
(  ) 22。 The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication, especially at work a good impression is a must.
A. which ﻩ ﻩﻩ B。 when ﻩ ﻩ C. asﻩﻩﻩﻩ D. where
(   ) 23。 —--How much do you know about the Youth Olympic Games to be held in Nanjing?
--—Well, the media it in a variety of forms.
A。 cover ﻩﻩﻩﻩ B。 will cover ﻩ C. have covered ﻩﻩD。 covered
( ) 24。 Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does push-ups too to stay 。
A。 in place ﻩﻩ ﻩB. in orderﻩﻩ  C. in shapedﻩﻩ D. in fashion
( ) 25. Top graduates from universities are by major companies。
A. chasedﻩﻩﻩﻩ ﻩB。 registered ﻩ C. offered ﻩﻩD. compensated
(   ) 26。 ---What a mess! You are always so lazy!ﻩﻩ——-I’m not to blame, mum. I am  you have made me.
A。 how ﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩB. whatﻩ ﻩ C。 that ﻩﻩD. who
(  ) 27。 She was put under house arrest two years ago but remained a powerful in last year’s election.
A. symbol ﻩ ﻩﻩB. portrait ﻩ C. identity ﻩﻩ D. statue
( ) 28. The idea “happiness”, , will not sit still for easy definition。
A. to be rigid ﻩB。 to be sureﻩ C。 to be perfectﻩ ﻩD。 to be fair
(  ) 29. The lecture , a lively question-and-answer session followed.
A. being givenﻩﻩ B. having given ﻩﻩ C. to be given ﻩ D. having been given
(   ) 30。 ---Dad, I don’t think Oliver the right sort of person for the job。ﻩ ——-I see. I'll go right away and . 
A. pay him back ﻩB. pay him offﻩﻩﻩ C。 put him awayﻩﻩﻩD. put him off
(   ) 31. It was sad to me that they, so poor themselves, bring me food。
A. mightﻩ ﻩﻩ B。 would ﻩ ﻩﻩ C。 should D. could
(   ) 32. I can’t meet you on Sunday。 I'll be  occupied。
A. also ﻩﻩ ﻩB. justﻩﻩ C。 neverthelessﻩ ﻩD。 otherwise
(   ) 33. Legend has it that the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is to the soul of Qu Yuan。
A. rememberﻩﻩ ﻩﻩB. remindﻩ ﻩ C。 recoverﻩ ﻩﻩD. recall


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