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文档介绍:毕业论文论文题目浅谈企业精英团队建设姓名杨幻专业工商管理 08 工商四三班准考证号 0********** 浅谈企业精英团队建设摘要: 进入二十一世纪以来,企业面临前所未有的变革和挑战,组织需要变革、需要创新。企业为了适应迅速变化的市场环境,需要员工有更高的忠诚度和责任感,员工也希望企业给予更大的信任,员工在关注企业发展的同时,更关注个人能力和价值的提升。因此,团队工作方式正被越来越多的企业所采用。对企业而言,组建和塑造优秀团队已经成为企业参与竞争的有力武器。企业精英团队是企业发展的根本,现代企业管理,不仅是企业发展的源动力也是企业决策的执行者;而“企业精英”是企业发展的根本和抵御风险的根本。关键词:企业团队建设企业精英团队建设、 Since has entered for the 21st century, the enterprise faced with the unprecedented transformation and the challenge, anization needs to transform, needs enterprise inorder toadapt tothe rapid change market circumstances, needs the staff tohave ahigher loyalty and the sense ofresponsibility, the staff also hoped the enterprise gives abigger trust, the staff which develops during the attention enterprise, pays attention toindividual ability and the value , the team working is being used bymore and more many ofthe enterprise, thecreation and the mold outstanding team already became the enterprise to participate petition the powerful enterprise outstanding person team isthe basis which the enterprise develops, the modern business management, not only isthe source power which the enterprise develops also isthe enterprise decision-making performer; But “the enterprise outstanding people ”are the basis and the resistance risk basis which the enterprise develops. Key word: The enterprise team constructs t


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