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文档介绍:ABSTRACT ABSTRACT A constructed wetland iS an artificialwetland system which was constructed. monitored and controlled by consists of a properly designed basin that contains water,substrate,vascular plants munities system was mostly applied inwaster water treatment call be manipulated to deal with waste water by series of process such as filtration. adsorption,sedimentation,ion exchanging,catabolism, wetlands were put inworldwide use petitive operation and maintenance,besides,it also provide a natural Iandscape which contributes tothesustainability of our environment. Urban wetlandscape plays an important role tourban the urbanization process。urban wetland resource callsforurgent protection and wise use for prehensive value ranges from water treatment and conservation. micro-climate adjustment tomatter circulation and SO wetland park was featured foritswaterscape and itis allapproach topopularize science knowledge as wellwhich shows great difference from otherGreen system construction mon constructed wetland technology could beapplied inurban wetland park planning,to achieve bination of technology and planning method for multiple- wetland park could take on municipal engineering such as roadrunoff control orbeutilized assitefor intermediate water theother waste water treatment process should put more emphasis on visuaI efrect. Inthiscase,landscape architect should have ecology and engineering knowledge when deal with urban wetland park should collaborate with environmentalist,botanist and experts from essay focus on the availability ofapplication ofconstructed wetland inUrban wetland parkconstruction. following aseriesof case studies within china and involved several aspects from legislation,developing mode,to project management. Keylrords:Constructed wet 1a


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