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文档介绍:Adolphus Busch. Bush's greatest contribution in its unique sales philosophy . In the United States in the past, brewing beer and buy beer are just a small town, small-scale commercial activities, Bush first expand the scope of their business to the country. And he is still around to establish a chain of cold beer house, in order to prove to the dealer is not just a place to sell beer behavior, it can be compatible with the different flavors of each region and ed by the customers around. Motorola Droid X phone and an analog-to bottle the software, plus the effects it may lead to an always not quite empty phone beer bottles. Phone bottle is not quite empty Budweiser 30 days of the brewing process, mended drinking time within 110 days need to be stored in a cool place . B udweiser beer ingredients known as "beer," said the five kinds: good quality barley, rice, yeast, water and hops.. It is made by the high-tech. Some high-tech made budweiser e so fragrant and conquer s the five continent s. Budweiser is from the 1876 market. Anheuser - Busch, the world's unique the beech Health process, from material selection, harification, fermentation, filtration, and process until the beer produced exceptionally clear, particularly refreshing, particularly the quality of mellowness. Budweiser beer ingredients known as "beer," said the five kinds: good quality barley, rice, yeast, water and hops.. Budweiser is the natural and green drink. It never contain any harnful subtance Budweiser, the best drinking temperature of 8-10 degrees Celsius, 700ml and 640ml Budweiser beer at the bottleneck foil temperature sensor label design, when it appeared the symbol of an eagle or the head crown uppercase letter B,Just to remind you of the best drinking temperature. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


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