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The differences of family education in China and America 跨文化交际论文.doc

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The differences of family education in China and America 跨文化交际论文.doc

上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/7/6 文件大小:0 KB


The differences of family education in China and America 跨文化交际论文.doc



文档介绍:跨文化英语交际论文 The differences of family education in China and America 摘要: 本文主要介绍中美文化里的一小部分,就是谈到的,中美文化里的家庭教育文化的差别。我们都知道,相对与美国文化而言总的有以下几点的差别: 1, 不同的家庭成员关系,在中国,家长意味着权威;在美国更注重的是平等。 2, 家长有不同的育儿观,中国家长希望孩子能在顺境中长大,美国家长却希望的是孩子的独立。中美国的家长当然也有不同的教育方式。中国家长总是在学****上要求过于严厉,美国家长更注重了孩子的自主学****的能力。面对不同的文化,不同的成长背景,也有着不同的结果。对于中美家庭文化的比较,。关键词:权威独立自主学****教育平等 Abstract : In this passage ,we will talk about the little part of the difference between Chinese culture and America culture,the family culture .The family education culture have big influence onour personality ,what we do several years later are do with what we are taught inour difference between Chinese and America family culture isa lot. 1,In China , Parents mean authorities .However in America they are more concerned about equality . In china parents want their children can grown up without any difficulty ,in another way America parents want their kids can do all things by themselves. China parents are strict with the study of their parents want their children can do allby themselves. Person grown up in different culture have different should respect them all. Key worlds: authority independence study equality I ntroduction : Today,munication between different culture are more frequent ly than before ,as the world is eing a big we all can see,different cultures have differen