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上传人:蓝天 2021/10/13 文件大小:60 KB





文档介绍:A,That is a jacket. B,Those are my socks.
A,What is it B,Who is that C,What time is it
( )5、Where is the computer room It's on (二楼).
A,the third floor B,the first floor C,the second floor
( )6、What is your sister name? name is Mary.
A. Her B. My C. She
( ) 7> Is this a teacher*s office Yes,.
A. He is B. it is C. she is
( )8、What is it ?It*s 4 o'clock.
A. colour B. time C. class
) 9、What colour are your socks ?They white.
A. is B. Are
) 10> is my brown jacket ?It is on the chair.
A. What B. How C. Where
)]1、What time is it?
's 7 o,clock for .
) 12、Where are my shoes?
A They are white B They are on the bed
)13、Whafs this?
A It's yellow B It's a banana
) 14、 It's time get up.
A. to B. for
) 15、 It's time Chinese class.
A. to B. for
) 16、 Go to garden. Water the flowers.
A. a B. the
) 17、 you have a library? Yes, I do.
A. Do B. Are
)18、 Where my sweater?
A. is B. are
)19 > Where my socks?
A. is B. are
) 20、The library is the first floor.
B. On
)1. It' s time _
Chinese class.
A. to
B. for
)2. Go to
_ garden. Water the flowers.
A. a
B. the
一、 选出不同类的单词,将序号写在前面的括号内。.
( )1.
( )2.
(). too
(). Chinese
( )5.
( )6. A. dress
()7. A. eight
( )8. A. garden
( )9. A. picture