文档介绍:原创通过答辩毕业设计说明书论文 QQ 194535455 I 摘要 CPM 康复机技术是近年来迅速发展起来的一门新兴技术,是机电一体化技术在医学领域的新应用。下肢膝关节康复机是其中的一种,它可以模拟正常人的膝关节屈伸姿态,对下肢有运动障碍的病人进行有效的下肢康复训练。本课题的主要研究内容是设计一种能满足康复用的 CPM 机。本课题的主要研究内容是设计一种具有虚拟髋关节轴特征的 CPM 机。本文介绍了康复下肢膝关节康复机技术在国内外发展现状和应用情况,并对下肢膝关节康复器 CPM 机的机械结构进行分析设计。设计出的双平行四边形结构,满足了设计要求. 本文还简要介绍了膝关节康复器的运动学模型,对结构进行了运动学分析。在此基础上,对下肢膝关节康复机的屈伸机构的运动情况进行了动画仿真,为最优设计提供理论依据。关键词:CPM ,膝关节, 双平行四边形, 康复原创通过答辩毕业设计说明书论文 QQ 194535455 II Abstract Rehabilitative machine technology isanew one that has been developed rapidly inrecent years, which represents the applications ofMechanotronics Technology inthe medical limbs rehabilitative isone ofthis kind of Mechanotronics Technology. Itcan simulate the motion ofnormal human's laying gesture and give the patients healing training which will help them torecover from illness. The main topic ofthis study isdesigning akind rehabilitation machine which can meet the need after knee surgery. The main topic ofthis study isdesigning akind rehabilitation machine which has avirtual hip shaft features The paper atfirst systematically overviews the developing and application situation ofrehabilitative machine ,and puts forward the overall structure scheme for horizontal lower limbs rehabilitative machine. The double parallelogram structure that designed can meet the design requirements . Inaddition ,the kinematics models and the kinematical analysis ofthe Lower Limbs Rehabilitative machine are introduced concisely. Onthis foundation ,the movement process ofthe gait ’sequipment issimulated ,which provides the theoretic basis ofoptimization designing. K ey words CPM, knee joint ,double parallelogram ,recovery 原创通过答辩毕业设计说明书论文 QQ 194535455 III 目录毕业设计任务…………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ摘要……………………………………………………………………………………Ⅱ Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………Ⅱ第一章绪论…………………………………………………………………………… 1 研究背景及意义…………………………………………………………… 1 国内外在膝关节康复器械方面的研究现状……………………………… 2 卧式 CPM 机…………………………………………………… 2 立式下肢辅助康复机构……………………………………… 5 论文的主要研究工作………