文档介绍:positi on-related consum ption of civil servants has be en swept by finance, consumer, regar dless of cost, extravagance a nd wa ste in the civil service position-relate d consumption, abuse , corr upti on and em bezzl ement, corruption is important. Then, under the conditi ons of market economy, how to reform the existing civil duty consumpti on ma nagement, explores a source to prevent a nd curb t he post consumpti on corruption way, i s curr ently a major i ssue faced by honest w ork. Recently, I conducted rese arch on this issue, t his pr oblem on some humble opi nions. First, t he existing public servant s ' duty consumpti on t he main probl ems see n from the inve stigation a nd rea sons, in re ce nt years, publi c serva nts ' duty consum ption caused by the a buses and not a person of integrity, is one of the major problems in t he party i n Gover nment, its operati on order have a negative effect on the party a nd Governme nt organs, seri ously damaging t he image of the party and t he Governme nt, undermini ng the relati onshi p betwe en party and t he masse s, effect, openi ng up and economic constr ucti on. From I County in re cent year
of governance sit uation see, positions consumpti on i n the produce d of "two not" phe nome non rendering four a features: a i s positions consumpti on sy stem lost ha s due of bi ndi ng, right is greater t han r ules, a nd right i s greater than met hod of phenomenon more highlig ht; II is i n positi ons consumption i n the Camera Obscura operation, usi ng terms, will positions consumpti on int o has personal consum ption, will corporate points to i nto personal points t o, makes positions consum ption i n some aspects has int o positions e njoy a nd self-de aling of means; thre e is to positi ons consumption for name, fraud, false impersonat or, Trend of negative corruption phenomena such as corrupti on and misa ppropriation; four pala ces, foll ow the fashion, rivalries, wa steful, and post consumpti on became a sym b