文档介绍:总第 23 卷 258 期 大 众 科 技
2021 年 2 月 Popular Science & Technology February 2021
(广西新瑞通工程设计咨询有限公司,广西 南宁 530028)
【摘 要】文章结合广西某高速公路工程项目为依据,深入探究路基吹砂填筑施工技术,从与常见填筑施工方法对比、填
【中图分类号】U416 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1008-1151(2021)02-0031-04
Research on Construction Technology of Subgrade Sand Blown Filling
Abstract: Based on a highway project in Guangxi, this paper deeply explores the construction technology of sand blowing filling of
subgrade, and makes a comprehensive study of sand blowing filling technology from the comparison with common filling construction
methods, selection of filling materials, sand blowing technology, setting of drainage ditch, monitoring of post construction settlement, etc.,
and tests various parameters of subgrade, which are in line with the design standards and effective It has s