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上传人:annimy 2021/10/18 文件大小:18 KB




Thank you chairman! Ladies and gentlemen, my dear debatesFellow debaters
, good evening。
Our side firmly believes that “luck and opportunity is more important than hard work”, and then, I will give four reasons to support my opinion。
First of all, let’s have a look at the definitions of these two words. Luck, which means something good that happens by chancemeans the good or bad things that happen to a person by chance
, and opportunity is the chance to do somethingmeans a favorable moment or occasion
. As we all know, when things happen without being planned, we call it chance. Today we discuss about the importance otherrather
than necessity, when a person has the qualification of luck, opportunity and hard work, which is more important? Obviously, it’s the former. Opportunities will lead him or her onto the fast-track of successif our side could prove that luck and opportunity is of more significance to a person’s success, then we will win the debate. I will present three arguments to support our viewpoint
, a lot of things are pre-determined, and it just has nothing to do with hard work, for instance, we can’t decide on the country we are bornborn into
, we can’t choose our parents, also, we can't decide on our appearance and intelligence. However, no one can deny that all these factors play a vital role in a pers


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