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文档介绍:Liu2 bei4 (. 161-223) is the shu han zhao fierce emperor, the word XuanDe, han ethnic group, resources county chohsien (now hebei zhu state), han zhongshan jing descendants of king lead vocal, banjo, three kingdoms period, the shu han founding emperor. He is moderate, LiXianXiaShi, live and let live, ambitious, use one, as he praised for the world, is The Three Kingdoms period, the famous politician, . 221-223 in the year. No fierce emperor showa , fierce fathers temple, historian and call him from main.
He is a hero bosses, popularity, general people use, Robinson harmony, perseverance, and become the important matter, live and let live, the mind is vast
1. It, liu bei of zerah, the LiuLi him, and the son of LiuYin, sealing for the king of inspiration, twenty years old pawn. 2. LiuXuan, LiuYongZhi sun, shu wu, surrendered, evaded always fine the rebellious, in chengdu in sichuan province.
Three evaluation of yue: "the 38-year-old hongyi generous, for one, with the GaoZu wind, the hero of the device. And how the solitary trust in the various ge is bright, and the mind without two, honest to king's male ancient, modern, and also the rail. Machine right dry, incompetent, is slightly open weiwu base. But also the narrow space fold and not flinch, they will not be XiaZhe, or for the measure of yu and will not allow the competi