文档介绍:S4 Owner's Manual
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Owner's Manual
Congratulations on becoming a WaterRower Owner.
Rowing is universally recognized as the pei'fect aerobic exercise - smooth, low impact, rhythmic and full-body - unrivalled for its physiological benefits and aesthetic pleasures.
划股是呗世界公认的兀卖附书素后切 动作流畅、冲击力小、富有节奏且全身运动,是 一种无与伦比的身心享受与锻炼。
"Rowing, indoors or outdoors, at any exercise level of intensity, requires a greater exercise expenditure than any other aerobic activity. Calories are burned in relation to the number of
“任何强度的室或室外划船,都比其他任何 有氧运动需要更大的体能支出。卡路里的消耗, 与运动中所使用的肌肉数量、运动强度及持续时 间密切相关。在滑动座椅上划船需要高强度地使 用大量的肌肉群,如上肢、下肢及身体躯干
muscles used and the intensity and duration of the exercise. Rowing with a siiding seat uses a very large muscle mass since the upper, lower and trunk muscles
C•埃弗雷特库普博士如是说一一美国前 公共卫生局局长
are used vigorously. H
—Dr. C Everett Koop- Former US Surgeon
虽然大多数划船机模拟了实际的划船运动, 但只是机械的动作,因此缺乏船只及划船者在顺 流时的自然动态感受。
While most rowing machines imitate the
action of rowing, they do so mechanically, and therefore lack the natural dynamics experienced when a boat and crew glide down a river.
At WaterRowei\ we have focused on replicating the physical dynamics of rowing, with the knowledge that this will achieve all of its physiological benefits, as wel1 as much of the aesthetic pleasure.
To maximize the enjoyment from using your WaterRower, we recommend that you fol low our suggestions on rowing technique and exercise programs. We hope that some of the discussion points in this manual will improve your general exercise knowledge, so that you are better able to fulfill your specific exercise objectives.
Your WaterRower has been carefully handcrafted to provide years of trouble-free use. We recommend that you closely fol low the assembly detai Is provided,