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上传人:慢慢老师 2021/10/21 文件大小:5.48 MB




文档介绍:How to spend our lives?
This is to say, life is raw material and we are artisans. We can sculpt our existence into something beautiful, or debase it into ugliness. It’s in our hands.
Someone said, “The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of it.”
What do you think about the value of life?
Everyone wants to live a meaningful life, well, what could be the meaningful life? In this regard, each person has his own view. In fact, it is unnecessary to care about who is wrong or right and what is the pros and cons, as long as you can do what you like .
There are several patterns of life , which one would you choose ?
Our English teacher——Janet

It seems to me, we should do what we like in order to realize the value of our lives. In addition, being fond of what is compelled to do is another secret of success.
There are three suggestions to us:
1. Spiritual cultivation
2. Having the courage to challenge
3. Having a healthy physique
The subject of life is ourselves.
If you want to make your life more valuable and colorful, you should improve your own basic essence. And the most critical way of improving our own quality is cultivating the moral character and nourishing the inborn nature.
The following four kinds of moral are worth doing for us :
Spiritual cultivation
Benevolence is the first prerequisite of spiritual cultivation . It is not difficult for us to treat others well under normal circumstances. However, it takes real effort when one is able to treat others well in adverse
circumstance. Can you do it?
Warm Tips :
The secret of making real friends is to contribute more.
For fishing islands and learning
Spiritual cultivation
The man who can be defined as a real friend can exchange soul with and give you a hand when you are in dilemma . A good friend is the fri


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