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文档介绍:Two years have passed since CC-Link Partner Association(CLPA) was established. CLPA has received so many requests from customers who use CC-Link through exhibitions, seminars and so on.
Cable connection working group in Technical Taskforce, which is a part of CLPA special Taskforce, has discussed and considered customer s requests.
This documentation descnbes items to consider in advanee, how to select devices, points to keep in mind and procedure in order to set up cable wiring.
Abstract of contents
Chapter 1: Procedure for cable winng of network system
Chapter 2: Construction and specifications of network system
Chapter 3: Select guide for connected devices
Chapter 4: Set up and cable wiring
We hope that every customer sets up CC-Link system easily by reading this documentatio n.
If you have any questions about this documentation, please don't hesitate to contact CLPA .which is written on last page of this documentation.
CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA)
Chapter 1: Procedure for cable wiring of network system 1
Chapter 2: Construction and specifications of network system 3
Abstract of network construction 4
Network specification 5
Chapter 3: Select guide for connected devices 11
CC-Link Cable 12
Terminal resister 13
Connector 14
Power supply 15
Chapter 4: Set up and cable wiring 17
Points to keep in mind to set up cable wiring 18
Process and connection of CC-Link dedicated cable (in case of terminal) 20
Connection of terminal resister 22
Shield Connection to ground 22
Chapter 1: Procedure for cable wiring of network system
Procedure for cable wiring of CC-Link network system is as following:
Chapter 3: Select guide for connected devices
Chapter 4: Set up and cable wiring
Fig. Procedure for cable wiring of CC-Link network system
Chapter 2: Configuration and specifications of network system