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这是一篇由网络搜集整理的关于最新最简短的升职感言的文档, 希望对你能有 帮助。
Thank you, Mr. Gibson. It's a great honor to be fol lowing in your footsteps
as Overseas Sa Ies Manager ?
To be honest. th i s promotion came as quite a surpr i se ? I'd I i ke to
think it's mainly a recognition of the teamwork. above and beyond the caI I of duty,
in my department.
On that same note, I * d I i ke to thank a I I my col leagues in the company
for the i r enthus i asm and hard work ? Due to the i r efforts. we've reaI Iy gotten
some overseas projects off the ground for Action.
Looking to the future, I'd still like to maintain contact with everyone,
even though I'll be work i ng at the sen i or I eve I. Well, what I*m trying to
say is I won't let this step-up go to my head ? My door wi I I a I ways be open
? Thank you aga i n ?
谢谢您,Gibson 先生。能继您之后成为海外业务部经理, 我感到万分的 荣幸。
同样地,我得感谢公司上下全体同仁们的热心与努力表现, 由于他们的 努力,
Action 公司针对海外的销售计划已经顺利地推动了。
以后我仍希望与大家保持往来,虽然我将成为部门主管,我的意思是 说,我