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文档介绍:摘要本设计的目的就是设计一个基于 PIC 单片机的散热器温度控制器, 从而通过它以及几片热管散热器组成能够用于普通家庭的电采暖系统。针对温室环境调控自动化程度不高的现状, 设计了基于 PIC16F877 单片机的温室自动控制系统, 介绍了温室控制的硬件组成及工作原理, 给出了软件流程图。本设计以 PIC16F877 单片机为核心, DS18B20 温度传感器测量温度, 实现对室内温度的测量统计和改变, 并能将室内温度、需要到达的温度及整个系统所用功率用 LCD 实时显示。硬件部分利用温度传感器测量出室内温度传入单片机系统,然后单片机系统通过将信号处理显示,通过按键部分,人为进行设定, 可以选择工作模式;再通过合理的算法算出整个系统所用的功率,并加以显示。可以达到更加经济节能的效果。通过此课题的研究可以解决室内温度智能控制与监测的问题, 具有较大实际应用价值。软件部分采用 C 语言进行编程, 采用模块化设计。关键词:智能, pic 单片机,温度传感器 Abstract The purpose of this design is to design a PIC microprocessor based on the radiator, and through it the temperature controller and a piece of heat pipe position can used for general electric heating system of the family. For greenhouse environment control automation degree isnot high, the current situation of the design based on PIC16F877 SCM greenhouse automatic control system, this paper introduces the hardware and greenhouse control principle is given, and the software flow chart. This design with PIC16F877 single-chip puter is the temperature sensor DS18B20, measuring temperature, realize the indoor temperature measurement statistics and change, and can will indoor temperature, the temperature and the need to use power system with LCD real-time display. Hardware part USES temperature sensor to measure the indoor temperature SCM system, and then single-chip puter system through will signal processing, through the key part of the show, the human Settings, can choose to work mode; Again through the reasonable algorithm calculate the whole system of the power used, and to display. Can achieve more economy energy saving effect. Through this topic research can solve the indoor temperature intelligence control and monitoring of the problems, which have great practical value. The software of the C programming language, modular design. K eywords : Intelligent, PIC microcontroller, temperature sensors 目录摘要第一章概述 设计背景 设计简介 散热管节能温度控制器的工作原理 设计的主要内容及技术指标 设计思想 拟采用的技术方案第二章温度控制系统的设计与硬件电路 温度控制系统设计分析 单片机温度控制原理 2