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文档介绍:14 班第二小组: 胡丹陆婷婷牛梦鑫张素曾恋雯娄院丽高奇 What is a knight ? ? A knight is a member of the warrior class of the Middle Ages in Europe who follows a code of law called "chivalry". ?骑士是欧洲中世纪时受过正式的军事训练的骑兵, 后来演变为一种荣誉称号用于表示一个社会阶层. 骑士的身份往往并不是继承而来的,骑士属于贵族的最底层。中世纪时,骑士在领主军队中服役并获得封地。需要自备武器、马匹。 Knight s’ g rowth p rocess Born in medieval European noble family ( nobility , n oble origin , blue blood , high blood ) ? The first step -- page (男侍者) – At 7 , be sent off to serve in a lord's castle – learn horsemanship, archery and swordsmanship, etc. ? The second step –s quire (随身侍从) – At 14, training-- concentrated on strength, fitness and skill with various weapons. – care for the knight's horse, clean the stables, polish the knight's armor, etc. – learn the chivalric codes of conduct and listen to epic tales of some famous people ? The third step--knight – At 21, go through the dubbing ceremony (授予爵士封号) Knights' a rms and a rmor ? a suit of armor 全身甲胄? war horse 战马? shield 盾? axe 战斧? sword 剑? lance 长矛? dagger 短匕? gauntlet 铁手套? breastplate 胸甲护胸? helmet 胄/头盔? fan plates 护膝? chain mail 链甲[腰间连接处] a suit of a suit of armor armor 全身甲胄全身甲胄 war horse shield 盾 dagger 短匕 sword 剑 war hammer 战斧 helmet 头盔 gauntlet gauntlet 铁手套铁手套 fan plates fan plates 护膝套护膝套 breastplate breastplate 胸甲胸甲 The eight virtues of knights ?谦卑( Humility )?荣誉( Honor )?牺牲( Sacrifice )?英勇( Valor )?怜悯( Compassion )?诚实( Honesty )?精神( Spirituality )?公正( Justice ) Humility and Compassion Knights have a proud side because of their glory and status. However, what are k nights different from other aristocrats is their humble side.


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