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文档介绍:The Bones of Limbs 山东大学医学院解剖教研室 Bones of upper position :in line with ? Shoulder girdle 上肢带骨 clavicle 锁骨, scapula 肩胛骨? Bones of free upper limb 自由上肢骨– Humerus 肱骨 in arm – Radius 桡骨 and ulna 尺骨 in forearm – Carpal bones 腕骨 Metacarpal bones 掌骨 phalanges of fingers 指骨 Clavicle 锁骨?“S” shaped, medial 2/3 convex forward and lateral 1/3 convex backward ? Sternal end 胸骨端 medially and acromial end 肩峰端 laterally Superior surface Inferior surface Scapula 肩胛骨? Three borders – Superior: coracoid process 喙突, scapular notch 肩胛切迹– Lateral ( axillary ) border 腋缘– Medial (vertebral) border 脊柱缘? Three angles – Superior: opposite to the 2nd rib – Inferior: opposite to the 7th rib or 7th intercostal space 肋间隙– Lateral: glenoid cavity 关节盂,肩胛颈 supra- and infraglenoid tubercles 盂上、下结节? Two surfaces – Anterior surface concave 凹面的: subscapular fossa 肩胛下窝– Posterior surface:supraspinous fossa 冈上窝 and infraspinous fossa 冈下窝, spine of scapula 肩胛冈, acromion 肩峰 Humerus 肱骨? Upper end: head of humerus 肱骨头, anatomical neck 解剖颈, greater and lesser tubercles 大、小结节, crests of greater and lesser tubercle , 大、小结节嵴, intertubercular groove 结节间沟, surgical neck 外科颈? Shaft: deltoid tuberosity 三角肌粗隆 on lateral surface, and a groove for radial nerve 桡神经沟 on posterior surface ? Lower end: capitulum of humerus 肱骨小头, trochlea of humerus 肱骨滑车, lateral and medial epicondyles 内、外上髁, coranoid fossa 冠突窝 and radial fossa 桡窝( anteriorly ) and olecranon fossa 鹰嘴窝( posteriorly ), and sulcus for ulnar nerve 尺神经沟 Radius ? Upper end: head of radius 桡骨头, articular circumference 环状关节面,? neck of radius 桡骨颈, radial tuberosity 桡骨粗隆? Shaft 前面后面外侧面?骨间缘 interosseous border( medial border )? Lower end: styloid process 茎突 laterally, ulnar notch 尺切迹 medially, and carpal articular surface 腕关节面 inferiorly Fracture of the distal end of the radius Ulna r ? Upper end: trochlear notch 滑车切迹 olecranon 鹰嘴 coronoid process 冠突 radial notch 桡切迹 ulnar tubersity