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Part I Writing
Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)
B) 2. D) 3. C) 4. A) 5. B) 6. A) 7. C)
8. surge 9. a selling point 10. shocked
Part III Listening Comprehension
Section A
C) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
Conversation One
19. D) 20. A) 21. B) 22. D)
Conversation Two
23. B) 24. D) 25. A)
Section B
Passage One
26. D) 27. A) 28. B) 29. C)
Passage Two
C) 31. B) 32. A)
Passage Three
C) 34. D) 35. B)
Section C
36. former 37. process 38. adopted 39. insurances
40. inherent 41. review 42. mental 43. diagnosis
MIB's purpose is to record, retain and share personal medical information collected about you by an insurance company
Noting the mental illness diagnosis there, they decided that they didn't offer you insurance because of your previous diagnosis
This person may very well get depressed again in the future, so that this person may very well require treatment or become disabled
Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)
Section A
weigh them down
a family member
cheerful and optimistic
Section B
Passage One
52. B) 53. C)
54. A)
55. B)
56. D)
Passage Two
57. D) 58. B)
59. A)
60. C)
Part V Cloze
62. A) 63. C) 64. B)
65. A)
66. C)
67. C)
68. A)
69. C)
70. D)
71. D)
72. D) 73. B) 74. D)
75. A)
76. B)
77. C)
78. A)
79. C)
80. A)