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living well.ppt

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living well.ppt


文档介绍:Tony Unit 1 Unit 1 Warming Up & Talking What are they ? What are they ? They are _____ people. A. abandoned B. disabled If people are not able to use their body properly, we say that they are people with a ________. A. responsibility B. disability They are_______________________ disabled people people with a disability people who have a disability / the disabled ?________ disabled ?_______ disabled Types of Disabilit Types of Disabilit y y Physically Mentally blind lame deaf-mute paralytic Physically disabled Difficulty with eyesight Hearing problem Walking difficulty Infantile paralysis Mentally disabled Down ’ s syndrome Learning difficulty Depression Brain injury They can ’ t behave properly or normally No matter what disease one has, life is not easy. They have many difficulties to e . Do the disabilities make it difficult for Do the disabilities make it difficult for them to do something? them to do something? Hellen Keller , an American writer, was deaf, mute, and blind when she was born, but she managed to learn to read Braille ( 盲文) and write . Some facts about famous people who are disabled. ““ Three Days To See Three Days To See ”” Hellen Keller ( 1880-1968 ) Franklin Roosevelt (1882-1945) He was the 32nd, 33rd and 34th president, and was selected the 35th a year before he died. He was the only one who was selected the president four times in American history. He had a disease in legs and had to use a wheel chair Hu Yizhou ( 1978-- ) He has some problems in his brain . His IQ is only 30. A famous conductor in the Chinese Disabled Art Group A musician from Germany, he was deaf posed Symphony of Fate Beethoven (1770-1820)


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