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文档介绍:1 随着微电子技术和计算机技术的不断发展,信号完整性分析的应用已经成为解决高速系统设计的唯一有效途径。借助功能强大的 Cadence 公司 traQu e st 仿真软件,利用 IBIS 模型,对高速信号线进行布局布线前信号完整性仿真分析是一种简单可行行的分析方法,可以发现信号完整性问题,根据仿真结果在信号完整性相关问题上做出优化的设计,从而缩短设计周期。本文概要地介绍了信号完整性( SI)的相关问题,基于信号完整性分析的 PCB 设计方法,传输线基本理论,详尽的阐述了影响信号完整性的两大重要因素—反射和串扰的相关理论并提出了减小反射和串扰得有效办法。讨论了基于 traQucst 的仿真模型的建立并对仿真结果进行了分析。研究结果表明在高速电路设计中采用基于信号完整性的仿真设计是可行的,也是必要的。【关键字】高速 PCB 、信号完整性、传输线、反射、串扰、仿真 Abstract With the development of micro-electronics technology puter technology , application of signal integrity analysis is the only way to solve high - speed system design . By dint of traQuest which isa powerful simulation software, it’sa simple and doable analytical method to make use of IBIS model to analyze signal integrity on high-speed signal lines ponent placement and routing. This method can find out signal integrity problem and make optimization design on interrelated problem of signal integrity. Then the design period is shortened. In this paper , interrelated problem of signal integrity , PCB design based on signal integrity ,t ransmission l ines basal principle are introduced summarily . The interrelated problem of reflection and crosstalk which are the two important factors that influence signal integrity is expounded. It gives effective methods to reduce reflection and crosstalk. The establish ment of emulational model based on traQucst is discuss ed and the result of simulation is analyse d. The researchful fruit indicate s it’s doable and necessary to adopt emulational design based on signal integrity in high-speed electrocircuit design. 2 Key Words High-speed PCB 、S ignal integrity 、T ransmission line s、 reflect 、 crosstalk 、 simulation 目录第一章绪论……………………………………………………………………… 5 第二章 Candence Allegro PCB 简介……………………………………………..6 PCB 的设计方法……………………………………………………..6 traQuest Interconnect Designer PCB 板的 SI仿真分析…………………………………………………… 8 第三章信号完整性分析概论…………………………………………………… 12 ( Signal Integrity )概念…………………………………… 12 信号完整性的引发因素………………………………………………….12 3.