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文档介绍:1) Is there a difference between data and information? A: Data is used by machines, such puter; information is used by humans. 2) How does RAM differ from hard-disk storage? pp. 59 A: RAM holds data in circuitry that is directly connected to the system board, whereas hard-disk storage places data on ic data. 3) Why are hard disk drives so popular? A: There are three reasons. First, it provides lots of storage capacity. Second, it provides fast access to files. Third, a hard disk is economical. 4) How is software categorized? A: System software and application software. 5) Is shareware the same as demoware? A: No, shareware is used to refer to programs distributed by independent programmers, whereas demoware tends tobe used when referring to trial versions of software. 6) What does an operating system do? A: To provide an environment for running software. 7) Describe six major events happen during the boot process. A: Power up, Start boot program, Power-on self-test, Identify peripheral devices, Load operating system, Check configuration and customization. 8) What are the strengths of Linux? What are the weaknesses of Linux? A: The strengths are that Linux is rather unique because it is distributed along with its source code under the terms ofa GPL. The weaknesses are that Linux requires a bit more tinkering than the Windows and Mac


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