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上传人:lily8501 2021/10/26 文件大小:16 KB





文档介绍:第1页 /总页数 4 页

44, the dark night gave me black mouse, but I use it the game until the morning light.
45, no one can change a person, but someone can be a reason for others to change.
46, the most afraid of some people, although already go far, but never to his memory...
47, silence is afraid of excuses, giggling all reason...
48, in my life, the most three words my heart is your name.
49, no real, no car, no deposit, no product standard.
50, sometimes, like the grass your horse, say to do not to.
51, the day when you appear in my memory, I fill my lonely void picture.
52, waiting for the dawn, pierce the walls of my heart.
53, whether you long time ago, it is expected to us this farewell.
In a word, the world's 54 most desolate, as if.
55, I can not believe the simple happiness of ups and downs, joys and sorrows of life, calm and uneasy.
56, I need a bright sun, body and mind to a photosynthesis own.
57, never put your dialog box off, is because has been waiting to hear from you.
58, this world, grave is fried, even the dead can not afford.
59, because of you, I learned to be strong, and you, still hurt me.
60, life is like autumn, make me feel the.
61, I also want to say, I am very happy, I am very happy, I am very happy, I did not cry.
第3页 /总页数 4 页
62, we all right, just not suitable.
63, best not to stay, can not owe.


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