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文档介绍:满族中国部分少数民族及其风俗民情 Part of China's ethnic minorities and their customs 概况:分布主要分布在东北三省,尤以辽宁最多,最初称为肃慎,五代时为女真, 17 世纪皇太极改名为满洲,辛亥革命后改为满族。 Mainly distributed in northeast three provinces, especially in liaoning, originally known as the 'caveat emptor, five generations of nuzhen, 17th century hong taiji changed its name to manchuria, after the revolution to the manchu. 概况:语言文字满族有自己的语言、文字。满语属阿尔泰语系。 17 世纪 40 年代后,满族普遍使用汉语和汉文,现在只有黑龙江的少数老人会说满语。 The manchu has its own spoken and written languages. Language belongs to the altai language family. After the 1640 s, the manchu, the widespread use of Chinese and Chinese is now only a few old man speak manchu in heilongjiang province. Folk: dress 古代,满族先民一年四季都穿袍服,因八旗制度而称之为“旗袍”。 Ancient times, the manchu ancients gown to wear all the year round, because of the eight banners system called "cheongsam". 民俗:服饰满族女子梳京头和“盘盘髻”。 The manchu women's head and "dish hair comb Beijing 民俗:饮食主食是小米,吃黄米干饭、黄米饽饽,喜粘食。风味食品是白肉血肠和猪肉酸菜炖粉条。代表菜是八大碗的满洲席,风味小吃和点心品种繁多,以萨其马最为著名。 The staple food is millet, eat yellow rice rice, yellow rice, sticky food. Food flavor is white black pudding and sour pickled cabbage stewed pork and vermicelli. Representative is eight big bowl of manchuria, flavor snack and snack variety, with SaJiMa is most famous. 民俗:饮食满族的点心以“萨其马”最为人们喜食民俗:禁忌满族有尊老的****俗。以西为上,室内西炕不得随意坐和堆放杂物; 不得杀狗,不吃狗肉,不戴狗皮帽子,不穿带狗皮袖头的衣服; 在满族人家里做客,不要当着主人的面赶狗,更不能说狗的坏话; 不得打喜雀和乌鸦; 不得在索伦杆上拴牲畜。 Manchu has a custom of respect for the elderly. To the west of, indoor west kang can sit and piled up sundry; Shall not kill dogs, don't eat dog meat, don't wear leather hat, don't wear clothes with the dogskin cuff; In the manchu's home, don't catch a dog in front of the master, the more can't speak ill of the dog; Cannot beat and magpie and crows; Shall not be tied to livestock in solon rod. 民俗:居住院内影壁墙东南角竖一索伦杆(谓之神杆),顶端安放一个锡斗(木板做成的方斗型),内装切碎的猪肠、心、肝、肺和五谷杂粮;地面四周,不能堆放杂物和拴牲畜,必须保持洁净 In the southeast corner of wall vertical screen a solon (of god), the top put


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