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文档介绍:1 舌尖上的中国 A Bite of China 中国拥有众多的人口, 也拥有世界上最丰富多元的自然景观。高原, 山林, 湖泊, 海岸线。这种地理和气候的跨度有助于物种的形成和保护任何一个国家都没有这样多潜在的食物原材料。 China has a large population and the richest and most varied natural landscapes in the world. Plateaus, forests, lakes and coastlines. These various geographical features and climate conditions have helped to form and preserve widely different species. No other country has so many potential food sources as China. 他们采集, 捡拾, 挖掘, 捕捞, 为的是得到这份自然的馈赠。穿越四季, 我们即将看到美味背后人和自然的故事——《自然的馈赠》。 By collecting, fetching, digging, hunting and fishing, able to have acquired abundant gifts of nature. Traveling through the four seasons, we ’ ll discover a story about nature and the people behind delicious Chinese foods. 云南香格里拉, 被雪山环抱的原始森林,雨季里空气阴凉。在松树和栎树自然混交林中,想尽可能地跟上单珍卓玛的脚步,不是一件容易的事情。 Shangri-La, Yunnan, in the ancient forest nestled by snowy mountains, the air is wet and cool in the rainy season. It’s not easy to catch up with Danzhen Zhuoma in the forest of pines and oaks. 卓玛和妈妈正在寻找一种精灵般的食物。卓玛在松针下找到的是松茸——一种珍贵的食用菌, 这种菌子只能在没有污染的高海拔山地中才能存活。 Zhuoma and her mother are looking for an elflike food. Zhuoma has found matsutake under the pine needles. It’s a precious and edible fungus, only surviving in certain high-altituded mountain areas that are free of pollution. 一般走一公里的路才能找到一朵。以前的产量是很多, 但是价格很低; 今年的产量是很少, 但是价格很高。 We can usually only find one matsutake every kilometer. Matsutake yield was once h